
IEB Membership

Martha Burnige (Chair of the IEB and Chair of AAT Trust Board)

James Freeston (CEO)
Brett North
Claire Murphy
Megel Barker

Ruth Ali (Clerk to the IEB and AAT governance Manager)

About the IEB

The IEB is a sub-committee of the Aurora Academies Trust board with delegated responsibility for securing rapid improvement of The Gatwick School's educational standards.  Its function is to provide interim expertise and high-quality governance to support the delivery of the school improvement plan. 

The IEB replaces the Local Academy Board (LAB) which was formally dissolved by the Trust board on 31 August 2022.  The IEB will remain in place until standards within the school have improved sufficiently to allow a new LAB to be formed and resume local governance of the school. The Trust board will review the progress and impact of the IEB every six months and deem when it is appropriate to form a new LAB. 

Remit of the IEB

The IEB has delegated responsibility from the Trust board for the following:  

  • improving the quality of education; 
  • to approve and ensure the effective implementation of the school improvement plan and tracking progress against the stated priorities; 
  • ensuring accurate and effective school self-evaluation; 
  • overview of the budget and ensuring resources are managed in accordance with school improvement priorities; 
  • securing strong safeguarding practices that are consistent with current legislation and DfE guidance, strengthening the strategic leadership of the school; 
  • holding the school's leaders to account for the impact of their actions; 
  • ensuring a robust and consistent performance management is in place for all staff members; and 
  • ensuring that safer recruitment policies and procedures are in place for all appointments including ensuring that the school complies with "Keeping Children Safe in Education" (as amended) and maintains an accurate Single Central Record; 
  • to agree and annually monitor the school's equalities objectives; 
  • to be notified of and, where required, consider the school's decision to exclude a pupil; 
  • to consider complaints referred to the IEB in accordance with the school's complaints policy. 

Budget setting is the responsibility of the headteacher and school business manager and subject to the approval of the Trust board. The IEB reviews the financial position of the school and can make recommendations for spend that is necessary to drive rapid improvement.