In the Primary Phase (Reception to Year 6) children develop strong foundations in English, Maths, Science and ICT which is based first on the Early Years Foundation Stage and subsequently on The National Curriculum, at time entailing the formal teaching of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar as part of our emphasis on Literacy development. This deep ability in the core subjects underpins learning in all areas.
Our foundation subjects are taught discretely, teaching children the discrete knowledge and skills in History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, RE and Well-being (PSHE and RSE) that will prepare them for secondary school and beyond. This is done in termly units based on an essential question that can address skills and content knowledge appropriate for different year groups. Foundation subject teaching provides children with the tools to question themselves and their world. It teaches them to think critically, to articulate their ideas verbally and in writing, and to work proficiently with technology. It is an education that provides children with the knowledge and skills necessary to choose any direction in life.